by IFIL 19.06.2011

Mercator Stiftung Schweiz supports IFIL

Many thanks go out to the Stiftung Mercator Schweiz for supporting the intercultural workshops which will take place during this summer's study trips.

Each study trip will feature an intercultural workshop with peers, i.e. students. Every participant will take pictures (with a single-use camera) documenting his/her life, university, home town, friends etc. Wherever possible, our counterparts in the countries we're visiting will do the same. These pictures then form the basis for engaging debates about similarities and differences between our lives.

We've done this before to great effect on our study trips to Venezuela and Yemen. Below you see Sandra, a participant of the Yemen study trip (2008) explaining her pictures to two Yemeni students.

The pictures are a great tool to enable communication across language barriers. Both in Venezuela and Yemen these workshops with local peers where the unrivalled highlight of the study trip.

We're greatly looking forward to repeating this great experience during this summer's study trips!

(Photo courtesy of Michael Hilti)


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