by East Asia Trip 19.03.2012

Information event on the East Asia trip

IFIL, in cooperation with the Swiss foreign policy think tank foraus, is offering a "once in a lifetime" intercultural round-trip through East Asia’s defining cities Tokyo, Kyoto, Shanghai, Beijing and Seoul. Meet leaders, scholars, students and officials to discuss economic, political and cultural issues.

An information event on the study trip to East Asia will take place on Thursday 22 March (7pm) at Zurich University (KO2-F-174).

Already registered and potential participants of the study trip are very welcome to join a briefing by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs on Switzerland’s strategy towards Asia and East Asia in particular. It will also be an opportunity to meet people who have already signed up for the journey and get to know the two organisers Tamara and Dominique. Both will be happy to answer your questions.

The year 2012 will bring numerous important events to East Asia that will be discussed, analysed or simply enjoyed.

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