Europe 05.09.2010 - 12.09.2010


«If we are to form the United States of Europe, we must begin now.» (Winston Churchill, Zurich, 19 September 1946)

The European institutions remain widely unknown in Switzerland. Although they often appear in the media – lately, the free movement of people or the Schengen Area of the EU, the European Court of Human Rights after the vote on the ban of minarets – they are misunderstood. The best way to familiarise oneself with them is to go on the field. It is the task of this one-week trip, which will bring participants to Strasbourg, Brussels and Luxemburg: so, how is it to be in the skin of a European citizen?

After the sucessful edition of the 2009 trip, join us again for an incredible trip to the European institutions next September! We will meet diplomats, journalists, politicians, lobbyists and researchers, from Strasbourg to Brussels.